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Poppi Probiotic Soda: Successful Marketing in The Beverage Industry

Poppi Probiotic Soda is spearheading a transformation in the soda industry, challenging long-standing norms and redefining what it means to enjoy a fizzy beverage. Founded in 2015 by Allison and Stephen Ellsworth in Dallas, TX, and appearing on Shark Tank and receiving investments, Poppi has gone from farmer's-market-favorite to sitting pretty on the shelves of thousands of retailers across the nation.

Poppi's marketing style is nothing short of innovative and immersive, capturing the attention of consumers through a blend of creativity, authenticity, and strategic planning.

Photos of what Poppi’s original branding looked like, versus what it looks like now:

The launch of its newest flavor, Wild Berry, exemplifies Poppi's mastery of experiential marketing and its ability to create buzz both online and offline. Poppi took a bold step by opening a pop-up store called Poppi-mart in Los Angeles. But this was no ordinary pop-up; it was a meticulously crafted experience that transported visitors into a futuristic world of flavor and fun. Decked out in outer space-inspired blues and shiny pink accents, the store captivated the imagination and drew in crowds from far and wide.

The success of Poppi-mart wasn't just a stroke of luck; it was the result of a comprehensive 360 marketing campaign titled "The Future of Soda." This campaign integrated multiple consumer touchpoints, including social media, billboards, and physical experiences like the Poppi-mart pop-up. By leveraging various channels, Poppi ensured that its message reached consumers wherever they were, creating a cohesive and impactful brand narrative.

As co-founder Allison Ellsworth aptly puts it, "A pop-up alone will only drive so much success." Poppi understands that true resonance comes from amplification across all channels. By orchestrating a multi-faceted campaign, Poppi not only generated excitement around its new flavor but also established a memorable brand presence that resonated with consumers long after the pop-up had closed its doors.

The success of Poppi's marketing strategy lies in its ability to create an immersive brand experience that extends beyond traditional advertising. By engaging consumers through interactive events, striking visuals, and compelling storytelling, Poppi forges genuine connections that leave a lasting impression. In a crowded marketplace, Poppi's approach stands out as a shining example of how creativity, innovation, and strategic thinking can elevate a brand to new heights of success.

In an industry historically dominated by behemoths like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and other corporations, Poppi represents a breath of fresh air—a brand with a mission dedicated to disrupt the status quo and promote wellness. In a world increasingly concerned with health and nutrition, Poppi stands out by offering a beverage that not only tastes great but also provides tangible benefits for the body. By infusing its sodas with probiotics, Poppi offers consumers a gut-friendly option that supports digestive health and overall well-being—a stark departure from the sugary concoctions that have long been the norm in the soda aisle. 

By offering unique flavor combinations, stylish packaging, and a commitment to transparency and authenticity, Poppi is carving out its own niche in the market, appealing to consumers who crave something different from the traditional soda offerings.

Poppi's rise to prominence comes at a time when consumers are increasingly seeking out alternatives to traditional sodas. As concerns about sugar consumption, artificial ingredients, and environmental sustainability continue to grow, Poppi offers a compelling solution—a soda that not only tastes delicious but also aligns with modern consumers' values and preferences.

In many ways, Poppi's success represents a departure from the legacy of giants like Coca-Cola. While these companies have long dominated the soda industry with their mass-produced, one-size-fits-all approach, Poppi's emphasis on innovation, quality, and consumer well-being signals a new era in beverage consumption. With its focus on natural ingredients, health benefits, and sustainability, Poppi is paving the way for a healthier, more conscious approach to soda consumption. Its presence in the market serves as a powerful example of how small, independent brands can make a big impact in a crowded industry. By prioritizing quality, authenticity, and consumer-centric values, Poppi is not just creating change in the soda industry—it's leading a soda revolution!

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May 01

 I love this topic because my roommates and I always talk about this (we’re all Poppi fiends). Poppi’s approach to marketing is refreshing (pun intended) because it blends creativity and strategic planning to create an immersive brand experience. The launch of their Wild Berry flavor and the Poppi-mart pop-up store in Los Angeles are prime examples of their innovative marketing tactics. Also, I agree that what sets Poppi apart is not just their delicious flavors, but also their dedication to promoting wellness. In a market saturated with sugary drinks, Poppi's focus on gut-friendly probiotics and natural ingredients is something that definitely appeals to their target demographic, considering they’re sold in higher end grocery stores. Overall, love this post and I…


Jentrie Gordy
Jentrie Gordy
Apr 30

I think Poppi is one of the best examples of how essential great marketing is and what it can do for a brand. With the primary marketing of a healthier soda, it gains crowds from those who enjoy soda to those who aim to eat clean. It is the perfect blend of both sides of that spectrum which expands its audience endlessly. The marketing team keeps pushing new Poppi advertisements, but not in a way that is too much. It is the perfect amount to stay relevant without being overly annoying for the audience. Each advertisement is typically connected to a new flavor which keeps things interesting for the viewers and keeps them coming back for more. Similarly, the advertisements…


Apr 26

Lily, I really liked this article that you wrote! I remember a couple months ago I finally gave into the Poppi craze. I had seen it all over the internet for the past year or so but I remained strong and never fell for the advertisement. However, recently I was at whole foods and as I was searching through the soda section I found an array of rainbow “probiotic” sodas. To say the least I was impressed and intrigued. So I bought one, and it was GOOD. So then I bought another one and another one, and now I am a big fan. I totally agree with you, Poppi’s brand marketing creates an experience and world for you. Those images…


callie lau
callie lau
Apr 25

This was a great post about Poppi Probiotic Soda’s innovative vision and engaging marketing. Their collaborations with celebrities, involvement in the entertainment and music industries, and experiential marketing at festivals do a fantastic job of crafting a coherent, trendy narrative across platforms to amplify their reach. 

I grew up drinking Coca-Cola and am addicted to the stuff—the sound and act of cracking open a can of Coke brings me sweet, indescribable satisfaction. I think what sets Poppi apart in the soda aisle is more than just clever commerce and tailored consumer interaction; it’s their commitment to the lifestyles of holistic health, wellness, and body consciousness. I am still an avid Cola fan and am likely to remain one for a long time, but as…


Owen W.Braly
Owen W.Braly
Apr 24

It is interesting to see the evolution of this brand -- especially the "then and now" pictures of where it began from its pre-Shark Tank days to where it is now. As it is shown -- both the brand, its packaging and its marketing clearly changed immensely. It also seems somewhat intuitive that the creation of a health-centric alternative to soda would do well in a market where nothing of that nature had existed -- at least not at large scale. I am also curious as to how they made the jump from an "apple cider vinegar beverage" (as it reads on the packaging of their original product) to a health-conscious soda -- though from a business perspective it mus…

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